Loban Therapy; Yajna Therapy

Yajna therapy also known as yagna therapy or fire sacrifice. Let us understand Yajna therapy in scientific ways: You might have heard benefits of yagna therapy and must be wondered how and why yajna is beneficial to me!
Let me ask you few simple questions.

  1. When your nose run more – when you eat chillies or when you are exposed to fumes of burning chillies?
  2. Which medicines will give you immediate relief – Tablet or injection?
  3. Which badam (almond) is more nutritive –  soaked or un-soaked.?

Well, for those answers would be definitely burning chilies are more powerful which not only run nose more but also affects throats and eyes. The action of injection is much faster than tablets and soaked badam is more nutritive than un-soaked.

Ayurveda and our ancient rishis were having deep knowledge of such modalities. During yajna therapy, medicinal herbs and other important components are vaporized by fire. Vapors of those vital ingredients The sublimated drug (healing substances) reaches each and every component of the body through the skin pore and breathing. 

Let us dig a bit down to know science behind effectiveness of Yajna:

We all know respiratory system is the most important system and oxygen is the most vital for our survival. We can survive without food for many days and also we can survive without water for days. However, in absence of oxygen, it is impossible to live for a day. Oxygen from respiratory system reaches every cell of body through blood

We have experienced that during hospitalization medicines are administered through intravenous fluid. Do you know why?
You will definitely tell me that, of course, IV will help for faster recovery. Yes, oral medicines take time because, they go to the digestive tract, need to be absorbed and travel to the desired area for healing. whereas injection can reach to the desired destination faster through the blood stream. Similarly skin pores  also play role in adsorption. We have seen pain relief sprays is very effective in relieving muscular pain. 

Ancient traditional therapies works on above principles to get best optimum outcome. Herbs and other important elements are ground (churanas / oils ), soak, extract (make kadhas) and administered. Yagna therapy is also based on some scientific principle.


Let us understand process and effectiveness of yagna in more details using same above example of chilli.(mirchi)

When you hold green/red chilly by palm, you will not have any sensible effect.


whereas when you hold chilli powder in palm, it will start burning after sometime.


The fume will also affect the surrounding area and environment and everyone gets the burning sensation in the nose, windpipe, respiratory tract as well as eyes.

The scientific process of Yagya makes maximum use of the marvelous effect of vapourisation and absorption of carefully designed herbal medicines( yagna Samaghri ) to be used as a powerful remedy against varieties of physical (bodily), Neurological, psychiatric diseases and psychosomatic disorders

The respiratory system and pores of skin plays key role in the absorption of molecules of herbal drugs of Yajna in the blood, organs and the cellular, molecular and subtler units of our body.

Ancient ways of treatment are designed with science. Yajna – fire sacrifice is being used for decades equally by all religions in different ways for the treatment of chronic diseases. 

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